Elastic UI
The framework powering the Elastic Stack
The Elastic UI framework (EUI) is a design library in use at Elastic to build internal products that need to share our aesthetics. It distributes UI React components and static assets for use in building web layouts.
Accessible to everyone
Uses high contrast, color-blind safe palettes and tested with most assistive technology.
Flexible and composable
Configurable enough to meet the needs of a wide array of contexts while maintaining brand and low-level consistency.
Well documented and tested
Code is friendly to the novice and expert alike.
Buttons for every usage you might need
Cards like these help you make repeatable content more presentable
Learn charting best practices and how to integrate EUI with the Elastic Charts library
Create layouts by using flex groups, grids, and items
Input tags, layouts, and validation for your forms
Our SVG icon library gives you full control over size and color
Layout your whole application page with this component and its series of child components
Build tables from individual components or high level wrappers
Simple HTML text like paragraphs and lists are wrapped in a single text component for styling
EUI is dual-licensed under Elastic License 2.0 and Server Side Public License, v 1 | Crafted with by